Meet Providence PRC

Our History:

Since forming in 2008, we called and received our first pastor, Rev Heath Bleyenberg, in September 2009. After joining our group, Rev was married to Deb and together they faithfully served our congregation until spring of 2020, when Rev Bleyenberg accepted a call to Immanuel PRC in Lacombe Canada. In the spring of 2020 Providence called Rev Martyn McGeown to be our next Pastor. He accepted that call and, after a lengthy immigration process from Ireland, he and his wife Larisa arrived in August 2021. Our new pastor was installed on September 5, 2021. We purchased our current church building in 2015 and have been worshipping there ever since.

Our Pastor:

Rev. Martyn McGeown

“For approximately eleven years I served as the missionary-pastor of the Limerick Reformed Fellowship (LRF) in the Republic of Ireland, a mission work of our sister church, the Covenant Protestant Reformed Church (CPRC) of Ballymena, N. Ireland. On March 22, 2020, shortly after the CPRC announced that the LRF would disband due to its unviability as a mission field, Providence PRC in Hudsonville, Michigan called me to be her next pastor, a call which I joyfully accepted on April 4, 2020.”

Rev McGeown and his wife, Larisa, were finally able to arrive in the USA on August 19, 2021 and he was installed as pastor at Providence PRC shortly thereafter. .

“Special Minister Feature - Rev M. McGeown” in The Standard Bearer, volume 98, issue 16 [May 15, 2022], 383-384.

Rev Martyn McGeown

In this helpful clip, Professor Gritters helps with the correct pronunciation of “McGeown.”

Our Consistory

In the PRCA, we believe that “for the maintenance of good order in the church of Christ it is necessary that there should be: offices, assemblies, supervision of doctrine, sacraments and ceremonies, and Christian discipline” (Church Order, Article 1). To that end, our council is made up of Pastor, elected elders, and elected deacons. “The office of the elders, in addition to what was said in Article 16 to be their duty in common with the minister of the Word, is to take heed that the ministers, together with their fellow-elders and the deacons, faithfully discharge their office, and both before and after the Lord’s Supper, as time and circumstances may demand, for the edification of the churches, to visit the families of the congregation, in order particularly to comfort and instruct the members, and also to exhort others in respect to the Christian religion.” (Church Order, Article 23). In addition to the work of the elders, “the office peculiar to the deacons is diligently to collect alms and other contributions of charity and, after mutual counsel, faithfully and diligently to distribute the same to the poor as their needs may require it; to visit and comfort the distressed and to exercise care that the alms are not misused; of which they shall render an account in consistory, and also (if anyone desires to be present) to the congregation, at such a time as the consistory may see fit.” (Church Order, Article 25).

Protestant Reformed Churches in America (2005) The Confessions and the Church Order. Grandville, MI: Protestant Reformed Churches in America.