What is Catechism?
Providence PRC takes Christ's admonition to feed his lambs very seriously (John 21:15). We hold Catechism classes for the children of our congregation in which we teach systematically the Old and New Testaments so that the children know not just disjointed Bible stories (the fare of many a Sunday School class) but the broad sweep of Bible history.
After our children have been thoroughly instructed in Bible history (from grades 1 through 7) we teach them the doctrines of the Bible, using the Heidelberg Catechism (grades 8-9) and the Essentials of Reformed Doctrine book (grades 10-11). "And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children ..." (Deut. 6:6). "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children" (Isa. 54:13).
In grade 12 and post high our children (now young people and young adults) enter Pre-Confession class where they are prepared to make confession of their faith, which is the goal of the whole catechism curriculum. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4).
Below you can find the catechism notes developed and used by our pastor to teach catechism to our children. The children’s catechism books are produced by the PRCA and are available here.
Lesson 1: Creation
Lesson 2: “Adam in Paradise”
Lesson 3: The Fall of Man
Lesson 4: Cain and Abel
Lesson 5: The Days Before the Flood
Lesson 6: The Flood
Lesson 7: The Days After the Flood
Lesson 8: Job
Lesson 9: Abraham Moves to Canaan
Lesson 10: Lot Saved from Sodom
Lesson 11: Isaac
Lesson 12: Jacob
Lesson 13: Jacob in Haran
Lesson 14: Joseph
Lesson 15: Joseph as Ruler in Egypt
Lesson 16: Moses
Lesson 17: Israel’s Deliverance
Lesson 18: Israel in the Wilderness
Lesson 19: Israel in the Wilderness (continued)
Lesson 20: Israel Enters Canaan
Lesson 21: Ehud and Deborah
Lesson 22: Gideon
Lesson 23: Samson
Lesson 24: Ruth
Lesson 25: Samuel
Lesson 2: David Annointed as King
Lesson 6: Rehoboam, King of Judah
Lesson 7: Jeroboam, King of Israel
Lesson 9: Elijah on Mount Carmel
Lesson 10: Jehoshaphat, King of Judah
Lesson 12: Elisha Promises Food to Israel
Lesson 13: Jehu, King of Israel
Lesson 15: Joash, King of Judah
Lesson 16: Hezekiah, King of Judah
Lesson 17: Hezekiah Becomes Sick
Lesson 18: Manasseh, King of Judah
Lesson 19: Josiah, King of Judah
Lesson 20: The Prophet Jeremiah
Lesson 21: Daniel and His Friends
Lesson 22: Daniel in the Lions’ Den
Lesson 3: Jesus’ Early Life on Earth
Lesson 4: John the Baptist Preaches
Lesson 5: Jesus is Baptized and Tempted
Lesson 6: Jesus Begins to Teach
Lesson 7: Jesus Goes Through Samaria
Lesson 9: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Day
Lesson 10: Jesus at the Sea of Galilee
Lesson 11: The People Want to Make Jesus Their King
Lesson 14: Lazarus Raised from the Dead
Lesson 15: On the Way to Jerusalem
Lesson 20: The Holy Spirit Poured Out
Lesson 21: The Lame Man Healed
Lesson 23: The First Missionary Journey
Lesson 2: The Beginning of Sin
Lesson 5: From Noah to Abraham
Lesson 10: Delivered Through Moses
Lesson 11: Forty Years in the Wilderness
Lesson 12: Israel Enters Canaan
Lesson 14: The Judges (continued)
Lesson 18: The Division of the Kingdom
Lesson 19: Israel - From Jeroboam to Ahab
Lesson 20: Israel - From Ahab to Captivity
Lesson 21: Judah - From Rehoboam to Ahaz
Lesson 22: Judah - From Hezekiah to Captivity
Lesson 1: The Birth of John the Baptist
Lesson 2: Jesus’ Birth and Early Childhood
Lesson 3: The Ministry of John the Baptist
Lesson 4: Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation
Lesson 5: The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry
Lesson 6: In Samaria and Galilee
Lesson 7: The Galilean Ministry
Lesson 8: Second Tour of Galilee
Lesson 10: The Transfiguration
Lesson 11: The Raising of Lazarus
Lesson 13: Jesus’ Arrest and Trial
Lesson 16: The Ascension and Pentecost
Lesson 17: The Early New Testament Church
Lesson 18: Troubles in the Early New Testament Church
Lesson 19: The Persecution of the Church
Lesson 20: The Church at Antioch
Lesson 21: The First Missionary Journey
Lesson 22: The Second Missionary Journey
Lesson 23: The Second Missionary Journey
Lesson 1: God Creates All Things
Lesson 3: The Development of Sin
Lesson 4: Salvation in the Ark
Lesson 5: The Reappearance of Sin
Lesson 7: The Covenant as Established with Abraham
Lesson 8: The Covenant People Multiply
Lesson 9: The Covenant People in Egypt’s Bondage
Lesson 10: Deliverance Through the Red Sea
Lesson 11: Rebellion in the Wilderness
Lesson 12: Israel Receives the Law
Lesson 13: The Church in the Wilderness
Lesson 14: Israel Enters the Promised Land
Lesson 15: Israel Sins in the Promised Land
Lesson 16: Israel Inherits All the Promised Land
Lesson 17: The Division of the Kingdom
Lesson 18: The Kingdom of Israel Turns to Idolatry
Lesson 19: The Kingdom of Judah Departs from God
Lesson 20: Judah is Taken Captive
Lesson 21: God’s Mercy upon the Captives
Lesson 22: Israel Back in Canaan
Lesson 23: God Protects His Covenant People
Lesson 1: The Birth of John the Baptist
Lesson 3: The Ministry of John the Baptist
Lesson 4: Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation
Lesson 5: Jesus’ Ministry in Judea and Samaria
Lesson 6: Jesus’ First Galilean Tour
Lesson 7: The Sabbath Dispute and the Sermon on the Mount
Lesson 8: Jesus’ Second Galilean Tour
Lesson 9: Jesus’ Third Galilean Tour
Lesson 10: Jesus’ Transfiguration
Lesson 11: The Raising of Lazarus
Lesson 12: From Ephraim to Jerusalem
Lesson 14: Jesus’ Arrest and Trial
Lesson 16: Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension
Lesson 18: Persecution and Growth
Lesson 19: The Church Spreads from Jerusalem
Lesson 20: The Gospel to the Gentiles
Lesson 21: Paul and Barnabas Sent Out from Antioch
Lesson 22: Paul’s First Missionary Journey
Lesson 23: Paul’s Second Missionary Journey